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For it is said that he whose name stirs the darkest of souls betrayed his brothers of blood and soul,  not for him own gain. But to save us all


Translated from
Lost books of the apocalypse, Chapter 3 verse 16


We made it through, another day another fight, not sure if we won. All that I know is that  I survived another day.  I am looking down into the dark hole left by who knows what weapon contemplating if I should make the jump.  The sweat on my hand causes the AK to slip from my grasp.
The ground is cold, the wind pierces through my dull grey wool coat, my toes hang over the edge of the abyss. It calls to me, I look down and close my eyes I can feel the wind press against the tense muscles in my back. I open my eyes slightly and I start to see double I can feel the invisible hand of the abyss begin squeezes around my body and pull me into the bottomless pit. I don’t try to resist, maybe falling in will bring the relief I been needing for so long. I want to go to it, I want to give into the pit. The ringing gets louder and louder, so painful. I try to yell but no sound escapes my lips. Now that I finally decided to let it all go. I release the tension in my back and shoulder and let the push of the wind and the pull of the invisible hand take me away.
Today I will be released from my walless prison,
Another hand with the strength of a gorilla grabs my shoulder and yanks me away from the bottomless pit. The only man I know with that kind of strength and size is Alan. He pulls away so hard I lose my balance and fall on a pile of blood soaked rocks, broken concrete and steel. The smell of burning gas, rotting corpses and melted plastic return to my sense but the ringing between my ears is ever so intense.  Looking up I can see Alan’s lips move, I couldn’t make out his words. The clear blue sky explodes high above behind his head. It did not take a genius to figure out that he was pulling me away from danger, Alan a giant of a man easily over 6 foot 6 with the muscle to back up his large stature. Before I knew it he lifted me up off the ground and tossed me over his shoulder and began to walk away from the destruction that began above us.  I was too weak to fight him off and the pain became intolerable and I passed out of our world and entered the dark world of my visions.
I hated sleeping.


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